Dear Parents/Carers
We hope that our website is helpful in informing you about the many aspects of our school. Ballumbie Primary School is very much at the heart of the Whitfield community and we value the support and partnership of all of our families and wider community. We continually strive to achieve our vision of supporting all and succeeding together in order to shine bright, which we refer to as: SUPPORT SUCCEED SHINE
We look forward to working with you our families and recognise the important role you play in supporting your child’s education. We believe that the partnership between home and school will ensure that your child benefits from a high quality educational experience at Ballumbie. Working together to make Ballumbie teh best place to learn is our goal.

If you have any queries at any time or would like to visit the school prior to your child enrolling, please contact Depute Head Teacher, Mrs Rachel Cook, our Principal Teachers, Mrs Karen Britten and Mrs Clare Pinkman, or myself, and we will be happy to answer any questions or show you around the school.
Yours sincerely
Paula Cheghall
Head Teacher