Below are some links to additional learning to do at home with your child. Most are PC/laptop friendly and have tablet friendly versions available.
Literacy Resources
A large list of recommended literacy apps aimed at young readers, reviewed with features listed. Loads to choose from!
A large range of fun learning games, activities, videos for all ages and all subject areas.
Oxford Owl is an award-winning website from Oxford University Press, created to support children’s learning both at home and at school.
Lots of reading and writing activities and competitions.
Lots of great free to play literacy games aimed at children between 5 and 8 years old.
Customizable app that helps kids practice tracing letters, numbers, and words while learning letter names and phonetic sounds.
Numeracy Resources
A quick and easy game to practise addition, subtraction and multiplication tables.
Lots of fun numeracy games for P1 all the way to P7.
Numeracy games. P3-7 children should have a log in for this site.
A large range of fun learning games, activities, videos for all ages and all subject areas.
Number bonds to ten. A great way to look for numbers that add together to make 10.
Lots of great free to play numeracy games aimed at children between 5 and 8 years old.
A range of free games developing numeracy including; multiplication, addition, place value, probability and time.
Power lines. A problem solving game with addition.