School Uniform
School Uniform
School Uniform
School uniform helps children to belong and feel part of the Ballumbie school community. We therefore expect children to wear our school colours. The inclusion of an embroidered Ballumbie crest on uniform is optional.
We have 2 options for school uniform and our uniform can be purchased from Lees Keys and delivered to the school or picked up at the shop, purchased from the Schoolwear Shop in Dundee, and plain jumpers etc in blue are available from other school wear providers.
Of course you can decide where to buy uniform and children do not have to wear embroidered uniform, however, we do expect children to wear school colours and not wear any branded jumpers.
We also have a new school t-shirt that can be purchased in black or blue for PE. This is to support those who wish to wear a sports t-shirt to school under their hoodie or jumper.
Our uniform shop link can be found below and we have added the agreed uniform for Ballumbie.
Ballumbie Primary School – Lee's Tees & Keys (
PRIMARY 7 UNIFORM – Our Primary 7 can wear a black leavers hoodie or a plan black jumper. They all have a range of leadership roles supporting staff and younger pupils and their leavers' hoodies make them easily identifiable.
Jumper/cardigan/school hoodie:
Royal blue or Black (P7 only)
White shirt and school tie
White polo shirt
School t-shirt (black or royal blue)
Dark grey or black trousers/joggers/leggings/skirt/pinafore/shorts
Plain white, black or royal blue t-shirt*
Black shorts
School hoodie or Royal blue or black jumper
FOOTWEAR: Plain black shoes/trainers
Plain black gym shoes can be brought to change into.
LABELLING - All items of clothing should be labelled. This assists greatly in recovering lost property.
Option 1: purchased online from Lees Keys and delivered to school or picked up at the shop
Option 2: purchased in person from the Schoolwear Shop in Dundee
There are a range of school wear providers who can provide garments in our royal blue, dark grey and black school colours.