About Us

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About Ballumbie Primary

Our Vision

At Ballumbie, we strive to support each other, work together for success and achievement and celebrate our successes.

Put simply, this translates as:

SUPPORT       –       SUCCEED       –       SHINE

     (all)                      (together)                (bright)

This is our motto representing the school’s vision which will be referred to frequently to ensure a consistent approach.

Our Values

A number of values are implicit within all that we do in our school and contribute fully to our vision and aims above. These are based on principles which we believe will encourage all involved to be the best they can be and provide the basis for the ethos we wish to promote. They are as follows:

  1. Honesty

  2. Respect

  3. Responsibility

  4. Support

  5. Co-operation

  6. Fairness

  7. Inclusion

Each of the above is represented by a character, created by our pupils,  who is referred to when reinforcing our values and linking them to behavioural expectations for school and beyond through class discussions, curriculum-based activities and regular school assemblies. They are visible throughout the school in poster form for easy reference and reminders.

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Positive Behaviour Policy 

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Skills for Learning, Life and Work

We also aim to help every learner develop knowledge, skills and attributes for learning, life and work, which are encapsulated in the four capacities of the Curriculum for Excellence.

Successful Learners

  • We are lifelong learners.
  • We always try our best in everything we do.
  • We give and accept praise for our efforts.

Confident Individuals

  • We have the confidence to take all opportunities given.
  • We are happy, safe and secure in our school.
  • We set realistic goals.
  • We are motivated to learn.

Effective Contributors

  • We can work together by listening to others and sharing ideas.
  • We help one and other and give encouragement.
  • We value and respect our own and others’ opinions.

Responsible Citizens

  • We are welcoming to all.
  • We show respect and good manners at all times to all.
  • We are honest and truthful.
  • We make good choices.